Satish Acharya, an Indian editorial cartoonist, recently slammed the current central government by showing his love toward wrestlers by sharing a cartoon picture that contains "India is with wrestlers". The cartoon depicts a group of wrestlers standing up to a group of politicians who are trying to exploit them. The politicians are depicted as being overweight, out of shape, and wearing suits. The wrestlers are depicted as being strong, muscular, and wearing traditional wrestling attire. The cartoon has been praised by many people for its message of support for wrestlers and for its criticism of politicians who use athletes for their own gain.
Acharya's cartoon is a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult. It is also a reminder of the power of athletes to use their platform to speak out against injustice. I hope that Acharya's cartoon will inspire others to stand up for what they believe in, and to use their voices to make a difference in the world.
The cartoon has also been shared by many wrestlers, who have expressed their gratitude to Acharya for his support. The cartoon has also been met with criticism from some politicians, who have accused Acharya of being biased against the government. However, Acharya has defended his cartoon, saying that he is simply trying to raise awareness about the plight of wrestlers in India.
Acharya's cartoon has sparked a debate about the treatment of wrestlers in India. It is important to remember that wrestlers are athletes who dedicate their lives to their sport. They deserve to be treated with respect, and they should not be exploited by politicians. I hope that Acharya's cartoon will help to raise awareness about the plight of wrestlers in India, and that it will lead to positive change.
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