How to check whatsapp status without knowing the status uploader ?

 There are a few ways to check WhatsApp status without knowing the status uploader. Here are a few options:

  • Use a third-party app. There are a number of third-party apps that allow you to view WhatsApp status without knowing the status uploader. These apps typically work by connecting to your WhatsApp account and then downloading the status updates of your contacts. Some popular third-party apps include:

    • WhatsStatus: This app allows you to view WhatsApp status updates without knowing the status uploader. It also allows you to download status updates and save them to your device.
    • Status Downloader: This app allows you to view and download WhatsApp status updates. It also allows you to save status updates to your device and share them with others.
  • Use a web browser. You can also use a web browser to view WhatsApp status updates without knowing the status uploader. To do this, you will need to access the WhatsApp web client. The WhatsApp web client is a web-based version of WhatsApp that allows you to view and send messages, make calls, and view status updates. To access the WhatsApp web client, you will need to scan a QR code with your phone. Once you have scanned the QR code, you will be able to view the status updates of your contacts.

  • Turn off read receipts. If you turn off read receipts, you will not be able to see when someone has viewed your status updates. This will prevent the status uploader from knowing that you have viewed their status update. To turn off read receipts, open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Privacy. Under Read receipts, toggle the switch to Off.

It is important to note that using a third-party app or turning off read receipts may violate WhatsApp's terms of service. If you are caught using a third-party app or turning off read receipts, WhatsApp may ban your account.

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